Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"They are looking at the acquisition of grains and other commodity supplies."
Too often military action has been a leading indicator of future commodity supply interruptions and currency devaluations.
Let us specify this output (commodity supply) function as:
Peter, you are assuming a non-traditional "collapse of resources" model that assumes chaotic disintegration of the commodity supply market.
Mr. McNeela says he has "geopolitical concerns, worries about commodity supply disruptions" from terrorist attacks and other causes.
The Ecologist advocated the principle of localisation, with an emphasis on building community resilience in the face of peak oil and climate change while reducing food and other commodity supply chains.
A swing producer is able to increase or decrease commodity supply at minimal additional internal cost, and thus able to influence prices and balance the markets, providing downside protection in the short to middle term.
Since the majority of voluntary initiatives focus on the practices of individual supply chain actors, a largely untapped global "macro" oriented approach to production poses new opportunities for the development of sustainable commodity supply chains.
There is broader work being led by Mr Michel on commodity supply change, through which we are planning to support the creation of a web portal to serve as a clearing-house of information about consumer assurance schemes of all kinds.
Land-use changes were affected by farm policies and programs attempting to stabilize commodity supply and demand, reduce erosion, and reduce impacts to wildlife and ecological systems; technological advances (e.g., mechanization, seeds, pesticides, fertilizers); and population growth and redistribution.