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These levelling times remain unfair, and commonise, demote, in such a civilised, cultivated countryside, what should be free from vulgar threat.
"We aim to commonise robotics technology by recommending researchers use our Microsoft Robotics Studio," he told a news conference.
Commonize costs-privatize profits game
So for example, when we got to the point of Phone, Albert gave me his motion designers to commonize some of our transitions, and things like that.
Players of the CC-PP Game aim to commonize the costs (or externalities) generated by their activities across the wider community, while privatizing all profits (financial or otherwise) to themselves.
In game theory, which constructs mathematical models for individuals' behavior in strategic situations, the corresponding "game", developed by Hardin, is known as the Commonize Costs - Privatize Profits Game (CC-PP game).
The Commonize Costs-Privatize Profits Game (or CC-PP Game) is a concept developed by the ecologist Garrett Hardin to describe a "game" (in the game theory sense) widely played in matters of resource allocation.
In 1958, under the auspices of the United Nations, a consortium called the Economic Commission for Europe had been established to commonize vehicle regulations across Europe so as to standardize best practices in vehicle design and equipment and minimize technical barriers to pan-European vehicle trade and traffic.