Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Maybe you need to work with a career coach to learn some more effective communication techniques.
The general knowledge includes: communication techniques, social and economic studies together with foreign languages.
Using the new communications techniques, the 29th called in artillery and a fighter-bomber strike.
Its command, control, and communication techniques derived from the experiences of these earlier insurgent groups.
He said this difference in reported symptoms "may well be due to differences in communication techniques" between men and women.
In their article, they taught a communication technique called the dialogue technique.
However, the non-detectability of these covert communication techniques is questionable.
The groups with more available funds are able to incorporate newer technologies into the existing communication techniques.
Maybe we could score some advances in education by incorporating the new communication techniques into traditional classroom approaches.
In contrast, Roosevelt's communications technique was captured in an old photograph.
The development of transport and communications techniques enables corporations to plan their production on a worldwide basis.
Training program discusses classic cooking methods, nutrition, product quality, cost control, effective communication techniques.
It was typical of the communications techniques they used: so low-tech as to be undetectable.
The analysis spans a period when technology and communication techniques transformed the outward face of policing.
And we must ensure that there is genuine access to all the modern information and communication techniques.
Presentation and communication techniques (third semester of each branch).
Knowing the importance of communication, many organisations train their employees in communication techniques.
Slukat helps students develop their English language skills and computer and communication techniques.
He decides that he will still write a book, using his slow and exhausting communication technique.
Dr. Terenzi added that teaching advanced communication techniques "should be a priority in every medical school."
The communications technique is known as quorum sensing.
It was a technology test of a new solar-electric propulsion, communication techniques and miniaturized science instruments.
The connection must be made between the dissemination of modern communication techniques and the implementation of sustainable development.
Development communication is characterized by conceptual flexibility and diversity of communication techniques used to address the problem.
At the time it was a milestone in communication techniques and a precursor to the factual documentaries of television.