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Everything they have done to date is in line with the implementation and communization of our society.
It was the unwitting start of communization.
"I didn't come to Washington to preside over the Communization of Central America."
Whatever ambitions there may have been in the Kremlin for the further Communization of the Continent were soon checked.
The toppling of Rădescu's cabinet in February 1945 was a new step toward the communization of Romania.
He described himself as diametrically opposed to the process of communization, as well as to the Soviet occupation of Romania.
Obviously at the heart of the word is communism and, as the shift to communization suggests, communism as a particular activity and process..."
But in the late 1990s a close but not identical sense of "communization" was developed by the French post-situationist group Tiqqun.
Communization and its Discontents: Contestation, Critique, and Contemporary Struggles.
According to Adrian Cioroianu, Sadoveanu was not necessarily an "apostle of communization", and his role in the process is subject to much debate.
They should dispel fears of invasion from the south and from the north, prevail-over-communism and communization altogether and believe in and unite with each other.
It also gave priority to reconstruction and new construction while attempting to develop agricultural resources, to integrate the North and the South, and to proceed with communization.
Although nominally independent, this paper was a tribune for the PCR, supporting the policies of communization, and popularizing Stalinism.
Working closely with agitprop boss Leonte Răutu, he exercised direct influence over the communization of Bucharest schools.
It was going to be an unfair battle between unequals, and the result, as Lenin predicted, 'could be the Communization of all Europe before the new year.
The term communization was not used by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, but it was employed in the above sense by early Marxists.
This series included controversial stanzas about communization, the Romanian collectivization process, and class struggle against wealthy peasants known as chiaburi (Romanian for kulaks).
In 1958, driven by his vision of pure socialist achievement and equality, Mao Zedong ordered the rapid communization of land and the abolition of family farming.
Free enterprise was sanctioned, thus bringing to an end the nationalization of small enterprises and reversing former policies that had sought the complete and immediate communization of the South.
Communization in this sense is equivalent to the establishment of the "higher phase" of communist society described by Marx in Critique of the Gotha Program.
Paul Georgescu's literary career, begun shortly after World War II and during the early stages of communization, was marked by the ideological debates of the time.
Following his Lumina vine de la Răsărit lecture, Sadoveanu became noted for his positive portrayals of communization and collectivization.
Following the Soviet Union's occupation of Romania, Constant Tonegaru remained an advocate of freedom, alarmed by communization and the start of political persecution.
Cioculescu braved political persecution and communization, attending, with Strainu, the clandestine literary meetings organized by his fellow critic Pavel Chihaia.
Gilles Dauvé (pen name Jean Barrot; born 1947) is a French political theorist associated with left communism and the contemporary tendency of communization.