The lasers are used in compact-disc players, bar-code readers and fiber optics; the circuitry is important in the operation of cell phones and satellite communications.
Meg programmed the compact-disc player with some easy-listening music and settled into her own chair with a new novel by Mary Higgins Clark.
Two television sets, three videos and a compact-disc player.
Tomorrow's hybrids, by all indications, will involve your current camera, your television set, a compact-disc player and even your personal computer.
Certain kinds of lasers also produce infrared radiation; a beam of infrared radiation from such a laser is used in compact-disc players to read the information stored on the disc.
For 1989, a compact-disc player became optional and in 1990 a remote keyless entry system was added to the options list for all models.
A pointer mounted in a mouthpiece lets them control their televisions and compact-disc players.
There may be 32m cars on the road in a country of 123m people - but, as yet, only 6% of them are fitted with compact-disc players.
LIKE a family trading in a scratchy 1950's hi-fi for a compact-disc player with all the extras, office tenants in New York City today are going modern.