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For the expulsion of the foreign body is an incident in the compacting of the homogeneous.
Spreading, levelling and compacting of another layer of material over a large area.
"So I will have the geld carried to the mainland and let my own smiths do the compacting of it."
More interesting is the compacting of melody in long breaths to "phrases" often not more than one or two notes.
This crew is responsible for the daily pick-up and compacting of trash from the various areas of the center.
With a hole of this depth, the asphalt had to be added in several layers, each one tamped down individually for proper compacting.
"There will be no compacting, no burning."
Isostatic powder compacting is a mass-conserving shaping process.
Even during piling an compacting, 'silent' plant equipment was selected to keep the noise down to an acceptable sound level.
And gaps to the right and left can then be coalesced, making for one longer gap which is often a candidate for better compacting.
If New York is about nothing else, it is about the compacting of individuals into an audience - the coherence a spectacle causes.
The water atomized particles are smaller, cleaner, and nonporous and have a greater breadth of size, which allows better compacting.
Now, as he witnessed not simply the compacting of the universe, but its very replication as easy as one-two-three, he believed.
The base of the pyramid was constructed of sun dried adobe bricks, which contained ceramic, obsidian and gravel for better compacting.
The raised location known as "Woods Hill" was formed artificially by the large-scale compacting of refuse dumped there over a number of years.
The compacting of snow due to winter recreation on the more frequently used trails tends to lengthen the time it takes for the snow and ice to melt off.
The roller press has a certain similarity to roller crushers and roller presses for the compacting of powders, but purpose, construction and operation mode are different.
A thick cover of evergreen limbs helps keep the surface layer of soil moist and minimizes the compacting of the soil caused by excessive snow, sleet and rain.
Further members of the alliance Bausch + Ströbel, Fette Compacting, Harro Höflinger, Uhlmann and VisioTec.
There were more hints of ancestral coral, and fleeting glimpses of the bones of fish trapped in the compacting of the reefs-and again, I felt an eerie sense of the compressed time scale of the island.
Common manufacturers of tablet presses include Stokes, Fette Compacting, Korsch, Kikusui, Manesty, B&D, IMA and Courtoy.
By "harmolodics," a compacting of "harmony," "melody" and "movement," he seems to mean an idiosyncratic way of providing freedom along with structure, mostly by allowing for polytonal passages - two or more players playing in whatever keys they like but maintaining a vertical synchronicity through rhythm, which is usually insistent and kinetic.