Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
As president, he managed the company finances and business administration.
When a company finances a lease it owns the car.
More money was sought from investors to help shore up the companies finances.
Neither were developed due to the precarious state of the company finances.
The new four was not a sales success and company finances continued to falter.
How a company finances a buyback is worth considering, too.
All employees, not just managers, were made aware in detail of company finances and performance.
Her brother, Santos, said the smaller presentation had nothing to do with company finances.
The company finances about one of every eight of the nation's home purchases.
In light of the new information about the company finances however, he realises that more drastic action is required.
The company finances and produces films for worldwide distribution.
Company finances deteriorated sharply in the last year.
In these positions Gibson was responsible for company finances, operational performance, and strategic planning.
One possibility is that a weaker yen would help Japanese company finances as the fiscal year ended yesterday.
Your job is to keep watch on the company finances, and if you think things are going wrong, it's your job to yell.
His stock in the company finances the Krieger Fund.
Everyone is perfectly well aware of what that means too: when a company finances a party, it is hoping for advantages in return.
Not only do the stock matches encourage saving, but they promote loyalty, or at least create an awareness of company finances.
He blogged about unreleased products and company finances a week before the company's earnings announcement.
One company finances four scholarships a year for teen-agers.
The more the company finances by means of debt, the greater the proportion of future profits which are committed to interest payments.
Through this, the company finances retail sales of consumer goods and services by retail merchants.
Unfortunately, construction costs for the railway and expansion of the colliery had impacted company finances.
Although Sneath did not spend much time at the glass plant, he was well liked and watched the company finances.
He is a financial analyst professionally, and analyses taser company finances as an activist.