Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Business has since increased 350 percent, according to the company president.
He later served as company president from 1984 until 1998.
She works as a private secretary to a company president.
He became company president in 1968 and chief executive a year later.
A number of other changes will be made, such as adding the company president to the development team.
The company president asserted his power in making the final decision.
It only took him eleven years to become the company president.
The company president soon left, and over the next year most of the other executives followed.
"These days everybody and his brother is a company president.
Her first customer was a talent company president in his 40s.
In March 1959, the board of directors held a special election for a new company president.
The loan company president conducted him to the door of the private office.
Technology helps create the illusion of a company president always in her office.
He glanced to his left, and saw that the steel company president was still running.
Russ Meyer became the new company president at age 34.
There is little consensus on that, even among the three company presidents.
Brown was company president until his death in 1909.
Pablo's hard work as company president has not gone unnoticed.
The company president said that workers had not complained about irritation.
The company president even came once, as the villagers gathered at the village chief's home.
Col. Lilly served as the company president until his death in 1898.
The company president was coming to investigate a stolen computer protection system.
"If you're a company president with 10,000 employees screaming for your blood, you bet."
In at least two cases, company presidents have had to get behind the wheel to keep the buses running.
The company president sent the engineers back to the drawing board to come up with a better solution.