Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
There have been few comparably bad weeks in the past.
Still, the lake is in a comparably good state at the moment.
I mean ours was a comparably small family with two.
It's hard to see a comparably strong sense of mission at the Met right now.
One becomes an international star, and others begin to get comparably famous.
Comparably, in 2005, the main keep was converted into a museum.
Nearly all of the 18 artists included here make comparably strong contributions.
This guarantees a comparably high standard of medical training within the Community.
But there is at least one comparably conservative branch of human thought: language.
Comparably, they were now far enough on the left to be considered too radical for comfort.
In contrast, European countries have not created comparably high expectations about the medical process.
The total work force of 550 is a third the number at some comparably sized American plants.
But they have no "comparably connected people with economic perspectives," he said.
Comparably, there has been a dramatic growth in the civil construction industry.
So far, these men do not appear to have benefited comparably from new job openings.
Another piece is comparably obvious but has a more experimental aspect.
They lost in the first two, to teams including several national champions, but won the third against comparably strong opposition.
Historically, Sweden was a poor country with a comparably low standard of living.
In that, although comparably recent, the story resembles those of the lost Roman standards.
Personally, I don't see a comparably strong argument in this case.
But she is, on her own terms, comparably powerful.
Why won't he give a comparably rich spectacle back to the street in return?
Today, few such comparably huge advances are in evidence.
These film makers are off to a comparably auspicious start.
We should note that it's difficult to find comparably equipped 4-cylinder rivals.