Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The swing is calculated by comparing the percentage of voter support from one election to another.
This difference becomes very apparent when comparing the percentage of households with six figure incomes to that of individuals.
For example, the distinction between earth and debris is usually made by comparing the percentage of coarse grain size fractions.
Now that we have this many cases we ought to be able to prove it by comparing the percentages of its natural hydrolysates.
This judgement was made by comparing the percentage of the regional budget devoted to this service with the corresponding percentages in other regions.
Thus, by comparing the percentage of cognate words in two related spoken languages it is possible to estimate fairly accurately the date at which they separated.
Rescuecom achieved this data by comparing the percentage of calls to their call center to the different computer companies' percentage of U.S. market share.
We are primarily interested in comparing the percentage of simulations for which each procedure recovers the correct number of clusters, as this quantity reflects the accuracy of the procedure.
A final determination will depend in part on comparing the percentage of people infected with the strain who rapidly progress to AIDS with people infected with other strains.
A swing is calculated by comparing the percentage of the vote in a particular election to the percentage of the vote belonging to the same party or candidate at the previous election.
Related to this is lexicostatistics, which attempts to determine the degree of relation between a set of languages by comparing the percentage of basic vocabulary (words like "I", "you", "heart", "stone", "two", "be", "and") they share in common.
By comparing the percentage of grants made at monthly low prices with the portion they expected had they been randomly assigned, the researchers were able to identify the proportion of the grants that appeared to have been manipulated.
This was done by comparing the percentage identity of corresponding regions between the BLASTN (nucleotide versus nucleotide) and TBLASTX (virtual translation versus virtual translation) alignments.
But her book includes a chart that sheds a little light on the subject by comparing the percentage of "unintentional injury deaths" in various categories (drowning, falling object, etc.) in homes, "public buildings" such as offices, industrial settings, and places where people engage in recreational activities.
Many leading finance organizations assess their current role in supporting mission objectives by comparing the percentage of staff time spent on strategic support activities, such as business performance analysis or cost analysis, with the percentage of resources spent on transaction processing and other routine accounting activities.
There's a basic error in this article: in comparing the percentages of 'leaders' and of FTSE 100 CEOs, there is an implicit assumption that the pools of AHSS and STEM graduates are the same size.
'Proportional Mortality' Study The study dealt with "proportional mortality," comparing the percentage of veterans dying of specific causes among the group that served in Vietnam against an expected percentage that was computed on the basis of death rates among veterans who served elsewhere.