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Improving the competitiveness of industry and services is the next priority.
The long term competitiveness of industry depends upon investment in research, leading to the introduction of new processes and products.
At the same time, inflation has begun biting into the competitiveness of industry, and the country remains perilously dependent on commodities.
Our preference must be for the financing of projects that also guarantee technological innovation to raise the competitiveness of industry.
It is crucial to invest in radical social change based on the sustainability of cities, decentralised energy production and the competitiveness of industry.
With Sweden's productivity growing half as fast as Western Europe's, the competitiveness of industry here is deteriorating.
Europeans will live with fewer health risks, and we are relying on the fact that the competitiveness of industry will not be impaired but rather strengthened.
It funds the generation of new knowledge that is essential to the competitiveness of industries and to the health and safety of Canadians.
To assure the economic competitiveness of industry in an international marketplace increasingly dominated by government-assisted foreign competition, we need a strategy that focuses on key technologies.
The components - and I think you'd likely agree with this - of any surplus or deficit are three - economic policies, the competitiveness of industry and the exchange rate.
They show a continuing collapse in inflation and that can only help the competitiveness of industry and thereafter the growth of the economy and the creation of jobs.
The Commission is currently examining developments in this sector in order to identify the elements required for restructuring and the long-term competitiveness of industry in the EU.
This is currently an element in the competitiveness of industry - that is clear when you look at the investments that are being made in a number of our competitor countries.
And finally, what will the consequences be for the competitiveness of industries that are already finding it difficult, such as the refining industry, the chemical industry and the iron and steel industry?
"There is the cost of power to residential customers and the costs that affect the competitiveness of industries, compared with industries in the region that haven't had similar misfortunes," Mr. Bradford said.
Waigel gave details of proposed cuts in corporate taxation to improve the competitiveness of industry, which would be financed by reductions in depreciation allowances on movable assets and on fixed property.
Eventually, growth in productivity dropped, the competitiveness of industry declined, wages stagnated, the once-steady rise in living standards turned tail, and underfunded non-military priorities such as education, health care, and environmental protection went to hell.
We need industrial flagships if we are to be competitive in the world and we need clusters of SMEs and industrial flagships in order that SMEs may derive competitive impetus from the competitiveness of industry.
This is very well descript in this citation of Tatzberger (2007) : "Foreign direct investments (FDI) play an important role in restructuring and improving the competitiveness of industry and manufacturing by helping to raise productivity and to expand exports.
In terms of infrastructure, there are two findings in the report: first, that the infrastructure stock, obviously, affects the competitiveness of industry and, secondly that it is desirable to reduce the imbalances between the various regions of the Union to promote their competitiveness and access to the favoured areas.
My speech, therefore, will concentrate on the proposal put to us by the Committee on Legal Affairs, that the legal basis of the proposal for a decision be changed and that we use Article 129a relating to consumer protection, instead of Article 130 relating to the competitiveness of industry.
Let me take this opportunity to put the very straightforward question - and I am glad that the Vice-President is here - as to whether it makes sense to use the REACH project to enhance the competitiveness of industries outside the European Union, while ushering in a programme of deindustrialisation at home?