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She began to cry, loudly and complainingly, like a child.
The eyes, weasel-like and cruel, were looking at him complainingly.
He grumbled complainingly as he turned off the hot water.
I said complainingly, "Why the hell didn't you ever tell us that we were the first?
It closed a second time and I heard the stairs creak complainingly with his descent.
A voice answered from within: "Tell him I cannot see any one," it said complainingly.
"The whole affair is utterly senseless, I tell you," the woman said complainingly.
The electric motor whined complainingly and then hummed to life.
As the door closed behind us, Conrad said complainingly: "She might have kissed me too."
He said complainingly: "I don't see why you're so sarcastic!
The aging iron landing groaned complainingly under the unaccustomed extra weight.
'There's no need to go around making all those ludicrous threats,' George said complainingly.
He finished, complainingly, "Life is getting too tough.
The man's voice said complainingly: "Well, you didn't have to insult him, did you?"
As soon as she saw me she sighed complainingly.
Steel moved away and sat on the edge of his desk, which creaked complainingly under his weight.
"What it all amounts to," he said complainingly, "is that they're infernally unreasonable.
The cage set itself in motion slowly and complainingly, which was a sign that the compressed air valves were no longer functioning properly.
Mention has been already made more than once, of a certain Dragon who swung and creaked complainingly before the village alehouse door.
Miller said complainingly: 'You didn't tell me any of this, either.'
The ufft protested, complainingly, "It's all very well for you to say thanks after you've scared a person."
Matt was acutely aware of his weightlessness, for his stomach told him about it, complainingly.
He said it not complainingly, but as one pointing out that further urgent planning would now be necessary, and they had better keep their minds flexible.
"My dear old horse," said Ukridge complainingly, "it's a little hard.
"Seeing the future must give you a hell of a lot of confidence," Luckman said, complainingly.