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In state-integrated schools, there is a compulsory fee called "Attendance Dues".
The athletic scholarships are capped and may not exceed the value of the tuition and compulsory fees for the student-athlete.
The league operates a scholarship program that offers one full year of tuition, textbooks and compulsory fees for each season they play in the WHL.
Compulsory fees - covers tuition fees, various levies, and compulsory student association fees.
The student union has been funded by compulsory fees since 1911, with the fees going towards student services, along the Cambridge and Oxford unions model.
In many places of worship, those partaking in events with compulsory fees are expected to pay their dues, though most such institutions do not enforce payment.
Tuition and compulsory fees is the maximum amount an athlete can receive for athletic-related awards in an academic year, including athletic-related bursaries.
And, as we noted last year when discussing such schemes, compulsory fees for music could quickly become compulsory fees for everything else.
They do not charge compulsory fees, with the majority of their costs being met by the government, and the rest by voluntary levies and by fund raising.
Previously funded by compulsory fees paid by all students, the introduction of voluntary unionism resulted in a sharp drop in income for the AUU.
Most state integrated schools also charge "attendance dues", a compulsory fee paid to the school's proprietors to cover the cost of maintaining and upgrading school land and buildings.
The ACT government does not allow schools to set compulsory fees, however the College Board suggests a voluntary contribution which includes a base sum of $180 per year.
Costs include the tuition and compulsory fees charged by the educational institution, a books/equipment/computer allowance, a personal and living allowance, local transportation costs, and child care.
Auckland Grammar deputy headmaster Wayne Moore said only 65 per cent of parents paid and his school would introduce a $250 "compulsory fee" in 2008 for technology subjects.
National Health Insurance (NHI) is based on compulsory fees and it is used to fund private health care, occupational health care, outpatient drugs and sickness allowance.
Being fully aware that student organisations are mainly reliant on compulsory fees to operate, the ALSF, according to this view, is knowingly seeking the destruction of student organisations.
The Reagan Administration, angering some of its supporters, sided with labor unions today in a major court battle over the legality of unions' use of compulsory fees paid by nonunion employees.
Australian universities, as represented by the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee (AVCC), generally have been in support of membership and compulsory fees for student organisations for three broad reasons.
The Howard Government stated that the Education Services for Overseas Students Act will still allow compulsory fees to be charged to international students to pay for student amenities and services.
Voluntary student representation (VSR) - A "watered down" alternative to VSU, in which compulsory fees for student politics are banned, but may still be levied for non-political uses.
Starting as a small one day festival in 1974, the festival grew during succeeding years and was said to be Britain's largest free festival until changes brought on by government legislation resulted in compulsory fees and security fencing being introduced.
The Plaintiffs argued that their required "services fees" are not going toward collective bargaining, but rather toward other union activities with which they disagree (such as political lobbying), and thus the compulsory fees are a violation of their freedom of speech rights.
The bill has been opposed by the NZUSA, which has lost several important funding member bodies, since information about its behaviour was made public; likewise, individual student unions and associations have made claims that the Bill will reduce service due to the end of compulsory membership and compulsory fees.
In practice, however, the BBC knew that as its audience share fell, the case for a compulsory fee would become weaker and that getting the fee raised at the regular three-yearly review would be trickier (no government was going to win votes by raising the licence fee, even during the years of monopoly).
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