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Though the incentives seemed at first to be the logical solution, the next few years showed that compulsory measures were also needed.
Compulsory measures were not to be ruled out.
The Reporter investigates the case and decides whether or not compulsory measures of supervision may be required.
It wants more aid for developing countries but also more compulsory measures to require that immigrants learn Dutch.
The appropriate authority, whichever one is responsible for the island, can't invoke compulsory measures unless we're actually suffering from an infectious disease.
In the same way, we must also introduce and integrate compulsory measures to ensure that the laws or directives adopted are fully complied with.
Here, the hearings are essentially welfare-based and deal with children as in need of compulsory measures of treatment and/or care.
On the whole, eugenicists are not in favor of compulsory measures to control human reproduction, except in extreme cases such as inheritable mental deficiency.
Lord Fraser expressed the government's confidence in the system, and confirmed that the important task of considering compulsory measures of care would remain firmly with the children's hearing.
Oxford City Council has warned Oxford University that compulsory measures could be taken to reduce the impact of Castle Mill.
Can we expect directives or other more compulsory measures for the industry in the next six or twelve months, or will there only be the communication for the time being?
In 1799 this controversy was ended by the synod enacting a preamble to the confession, declaring that the church required no assent to anything which favoured the principle of compulsory measures in religion.
I believe that the call to the Commission and the Council to table a proposal to harmonise compulsory measures aimed at punishing those who start fires is a glaring example of a violation of the subsidiarity principle.
So our view is that we need a more determined approach than is shown in the Commission's announcement of a few days ago, saying that all compulsory measures will be free whereas optional ones will depend on the market.
It is also clear that a change of course and change of mentality will only be possible, will only be achievable, through compulsory measures, and this will require measures in a number of different areas.
Compulsory measures are inappropriate in the more open market which has prevailed since the Uruguay Round, in which minimum prices can no longer be set, as the withdrawal of quantities of wine would simply result in making room for additional imports.
Congress and the Roosevelt administration would respond to the ongoing crisis by adopting such compulsory measures, along with subsidies for farmers leaving land uncultivated, under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 and Jones-Costigan Amendment of 1934.
Despite some initial successes, the effort was sharply criticized by civil-rights groups as a "go slow" approach that ran counter to compulsory measures spelled out in an executive order that prohibited racial discrimination by Government agencies and by companies with Government contracts.
There is no disagreement on the fact that compulsory measures should have no part to play here, but on the other hand we believe that we should not lay down too many preconditions which involve interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.
But the child protection system had broken down in this instance, not because of the excessive timidity or woolliness of social workers who missed the warning signs and failed to act, but because of their over confidence in medical diagnoses and their ready reliance on compulsory measures to remove the children.