Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Computer fraud has become a major problem for Internet commerce.
"The best in the business," she said, not mentioning that he had done time for computer fraud.
Surely, the best way to rob a bank these days is by computer fraud.
The computer fraud is becoming a big business, yeah?
"We are all obviously a victim of massive computer fraud," said the woman.
Instead he was assigned to computer fraud and copyright violations.
But experts on computer fraud said that no electronic system is foolproof.
The two defendants are accused of conspiracy to commit computer fraud.
Computer fraud is the use of information technology to commit fraud.
The term computer fraud covers a broad spectrum of illegal activities.
Victims' concern over damage to their image results in many cases of computer fraud going unreported.
There still were some crimes these days; computer frauds, time thefts.
The film is a comedy thriller about computer fraud.
Both are charged with a single count of conspiracy to commit wire and computer fraud.
The end result can be as disastrous as computer fraud or sabotage.
A persistent rumor is that the ruling party resorted to computer fraud.
The second charge, computer fraud, carries potential penalties of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
I took on other cases: runaway children, minor computer fraud - routine work, but at least it gave me the satisfaction of swift results.
Murray Stewart was jailed in the summer for attempting a £40m computer fraud.
The commission has also thrown out the idea, put forward by some industrialists and businessmen, that special provision is needed for computer fraud.
The term "hacking" is used routinely today by almost all law enforcement officials with any professional interest in computer fraud and abuse.
During his three terms, he helped enact the nation's first state law to protect consumers from computer fraud and advocated for responsible growth management laws.
Section 814(e) Amendment of sentencing guidelines relating to certain computer fraud and abuse.
Some people in the opposition focused on possible computer fraud, raising questions about the integrity of procedures for counting the 23 million paper ballots.
Our Computer Fraud division has been going nuts recently."