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The current system looks like a gigantic con trick to me.
It's the dominant con trick of the last 20 years.
It is therefore one big con trick to achieve political control.
"I went around in my teens and early 20's thinking that life was a con trick," she said.
To others, it's a con trick played on the sick and vulnerable.
What it does do is show that recent "improvements" in the results were nothing more than a con trick.
This is a wicked of police corruption, media con tricks and celebrity scandals.
Moreover, since the admirable "con trick" of the 1,000-Plan, they had been extremely active in a certain field.
He supports himself by using short con tricks.
Classic con tricks were also exposed in "Beat the Cheat".
Its so alien, they cannot come to grips with it and the enormity of the con trick pulled over such a long period.
Its all part of the Cornwall con trick.
The strikers are being asked to take a hit for the 1% and is a complete con trick by the coalition.
If other readers have been victims of con tricks why not pass on a warning to others through our Letters Page?
The oldest con trick in the game.
Tully's addiction to con tricks leads to his imprisonment.
There hasn't been any increase in wealth for the great majority of people, it's been a giant con trick.
I just wish the British public would wake up to the massive con trick and swindle that is the monarchy.
Maybe just some Iranian hotheads getting upset because they think they've been subjected to a con trick by the arms dealers.
We are still suffering from that and we are being asked to fall for the same con trick again."
The Big Society is a big con trick.
This captured Brown's character perfectly, and the whole New Labour con trick.
The population is not as naive as it was in the past and can see the con trick being played out by all three main parties.
Articles included ones on guidebooks that charge hotels for mentions and cabbie con tricks.