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But theatergoers know him best as a conceiver.
By November, the conceiver was ready to incubate the phrase in a speech subtitle.
Charnin's best-known work is as conceiver, director and lyricist of the musical Annie.
The original conceiver of the Steamball, which he succeeds in developing with his son Edward.
He was the storehouse of mining knowledge which Sean tapped daily, he was the conceiver of schemes, some wild, others brilliant.
Mahaṛṣi Gautam was one of the most ancient conceiver of a Dharmasūtra.
A short and rather slight play that continues the mining of the Trojan War for contemporary equivalents by the conceiver and director of last season's Trilogy (1:00).
He wrote to the address given, desiring to see the draughtsman, that such alterations might be made, as should be suggested in a consultation between him and the original conceiver.
"Conceiver" on Conceiver (Before You Fall, 2013)
Christophe Delire is conceiver of the PostModemArt WebOpera.
And Mr. Brancato, listed as conceiver and director, is looking for producers and investors, for his dream plan: an off-Broadway run, then London.
The founding spirit, conceiver and only leader of Foxfire is Margaret (Legs) Sadovsky, a fire-and-ice girl, long-legged, coolly daring, fiercely visionary.
The conceiver in question is the restaurateur Jeffrey Chodorow, whose other conceptions include China Grill, Asia de Cuba and, less propitiously, Rocco's on 22nd.
In 1932, the physicist and conceiver of nuclear chain reaction Leó Szilárd read The World Set Free, a book which he said made a great impression on him.
Radúz Činčera (June 17, 1923, Brno - January 28, 1999, Prague) was a Czech screenwriter and director, the conceiver of the legendary Kinoautomat.
But then Julianne Boyd, credited as conceiver and director, imbalances the sameness of Act I with the vacillations of Act II, ultimately arriving at self-defeating aimlessness.
He's the conceiver and producer of "Eight Point Star", a film entirely animated by late Fernando Diniz, a renowned naïf painter who lived in a psychiatric institution in Brazil.
"I'm going to love you forever, or 72 days Amen, as long as Justin Bieber is not a conceiver, as long as Taylor Swift is with her current boyfriend," the trio sang.
In all, Mr. Bennett gave the 37 dancers roughly a tenth of his own royalties from the original production and around a third of the rights income he was entitled to as the show's conceiver, director and choreographer.
Petar was the conceiver of a plan to form a new Serbian Empire out of Bosnia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Montenegro with Boka, with Dubrovnik as its Imperial Capital.
The conceiver and biggest funder of the project was industrial magnate and philanthropist John Long Severance, who donated $1 million towards development and named the hall after his recently deceased wife Elisabeth Dewitt Severance.
When the Canal was dedicated in 1825, its conceiver, New York State governor DeWitt Clinton took waters from Lake Erie at Buffalo's Western Terminus of the Canal (now the Commercial Slip).
In 1992, to honor Lieutenant Colonel William Cline Borden (Major Walter Reed's personal physician and conceiver of the original Walter Reed General Hospital) the Center's name was changed to Borden Institute.
Flanked by the WPF scientists and technicians who had helped make it a reality, Professor Magnus Maximilian Magus, its conceiver and creator, stood gazing down at it from the glass-walled control room overlooking the floor.
"You lose money, that's how," said Jack Cummings III, conceiver and traffic cop - er, director - of "The Audience," the Transport Group's new musical-by-committee that wraps up its run at the Connelly Theater on Saturday.