Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Though many have a problem with conceptual art full stop.
This is both a conceptual issue and one of data.
As might be expected, a few took a conceptual approach.
The piece is often seen as an early example of conceptual art.
In 1985, they began work on a conceptual model of the F-19.
Many of the works on view here are highly conceptual.
Some of the more conceptual people have ability to see it as a whole.
Conceptual art as a movement died well over 30 years ago.
A restaurant with no food would be a work of conceptual art.
"Everything is about language and conceptual thinking these days," she said.
As in past years, it was heavy on conceptual art.
"It's a conceptual idea to understand what it would mean to free up land."
Even the conceptual work - and it was strong - had its feet on the ground.
Other work, by contrast, has a bit more conceptual give.
Let us put to one side the conceptual arguments of the past.
We must now turn our attention to this general conceptual background itself.
I have a certain conceptual grasp of what's going on.
Some of the most interesting pieces are the Conceptual works.
But such a conceptual leap may be too much to ask.
Who will be using or participating in the conceptual model?
Wall Street in a conceptual sense represents financial and economic power.
This was done beginning with conceptual work in August 1969.
One day a major show will document conceptual work from 1960 to 1990.
The third and final reservation is of a conceptual nature.
However, this comes at the cost of some conceptual complexity.