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The better the chocolate, the longer the conching, which can last up to three days.
The conching of the cocoa then takes place for up to 72 hours.
Food scientists are still studying precisely what happens during conching and why.
Chocolate prior to conching has an uneven and gritty texture.
Conching for several hours makes good chocolate.
The chocolate passes through three phases during conching.
Before conching was invented, solid chocolate was gritty and not very popular.
The mixture then undergoes conching, a flavor developing procedure until the right consistency is reached.
The cocoa mass is then milled and kneaded smooth for hours or even days, in a process called conching.
Conching redistributes the substances from the dry cocoa that create flavor into the fat phase.
Conching means crushing the chocolate very finely and keeping it warm so that it is liquid.
This can be adjusted to suit your final particle size requirement prior to feeding to the second stage before refining and conching.
Sugar nibs also provide a contrasting texture in confectionery and, when added after conching, to chocolate.
English: Conching, where is your dad?
The chocolate is hand-crafted in small batches throughout the conching, tempering, and moulding process.
The penultimate process is called conching.
Since the process is so important to the final texture and flavor of chocolate, manufacturers keep the details of their conching process proprietary.
The company claims that the high altitude affects flavor development during conching, and aids in the development of the taste of the chocolate.
Conching is essentially a kneading process, done in machines, shaped like giant clamshells, that were invented in the 19th century.
At this point the chocolate goes through a final refining, or pulverizing, process called conching (the "ch" is pronounced as in "poncho").
The next step is conching, a kneading process that is one of several refining steps needed to transform the chocolate mixture from gritty to smooth.
Conching: Llega noche ya.
But I've just learnt winnowing means blowing the husks from beans, conching is mixing and panning is coating with chocolate.
Valentina ý Conching (Conchita)
Later, he became the assistant of the theater's administrator Conchita "Tita Conching" Sunico, who taught him public relations.