Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Let us see how one can use concretely this idea.
More concretely, there is no way for the program to, say.
What we did was to concretely prevent in the future.
It is important to me that my person be seen, clearly, concretely.
So far as I know, nothing has been done concretely in her memory.
The second question, concretely, is something I already mentioned at first reading.
Permit me to report to you concretely on this question.
Or perhaps more concretely: we are accountable at every moment.
I think we need to engage, far more concretely, a series of questions: What does war actually do to people?
His music may be weird, but it concretely says something about what kind of American he is.
"We now see how concretely and on what basis they are going to engage."
And still there is no one who will say concretely what has to be done to put things in order."
The opportunity to get into the city, too, stirred her, but less concretely.
The art is concretely realized but may be abstract in nature.
During this time students will be able to experiment and concretely put into practice what they have learned in class.
But there are limits on what the outside world can do concretely to end the terror.
However, in some special cases the constant C can be determined concretely.
Concretely, it can also be described by generators and relations.
But he's still all feelings in search of a concretely defined character.
Through an interpreter he said, "We believe two things concretely.
He thought fleetingly that perhaps she did not actually, concretely, see him at all.
Children tend to think very concretely and specifically in earlier stages.
You can show your child concretely how looking through the curved glass makes things appear larger.
Now that she had been able to size up the tactical situation concretely, she'd decided speed was the key.
But, expressed concretely, some of us have less lives to wait than others."