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Conference fees have covered the costs, with small amount left over, but they are not fundraising activities.
"But, because of the person she was, I'm sure she went back the next day because her company had paid the conference fees."
Total revenues, including conference fees and interest and dividends on investments, grew at a similar rate, to $33 million.
Some employers tried to make potential participants swear allegiance to heterosexuality before they would pay their conference fee.
Aglow International receives most of its funding from covenant partner donations, individual donations, conference fees, and grants from foundations.
Appropriated Funds: When can you use appropriated funds to purchase food for events and the rules for conference fees?
Gilwell Park provides The Scout Association with over £1,000,000 a year through conference fees, accommodation fees, and sales of materials.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for example, lists no amount in the lines requiring it to itemize various expenditures like telephone services, postage and conference fees.
Accordingly, wherever possible CCPN tries to keep conference fees at a minimum by using contributions that come from our industrial sponsorship and software subscriptions.
That makes it possible to train mentors, pay workshop and conference fees and hold after-hour social events that provide a vehicle for teachers to stay connected to each other, school officials said.
OVC has provided funding in the amount of $235,000 under this grant to support scholarships for SART and law enforcement that covers conference fees, travel, and lodging expenses.
'Consumer Care' is the theme of the Society of Food Hygiene Technology's next symposium, on 20th February at the City Conference Centre in London [conference fee £75, members55].
In the last three years, its annual budget surplus has grown more than fivefold, to $4.7 million in the year ended Sept. 30, and its cash reserve from membership dues and conference fees has nearly doubled, to $13 million.
"Should you care to observe some of our proceedings or interfere with them, you would be welcome to join us at any stage-and naturally, the usual conference fee would be waived," an invitation to a 1996 Zurich Bloomsday symposium read.
Mr. Gramm also wrote: "Since you've already been nominated to become a delegate, you only need to fill out the Nomination Acceptance Reply Form and return it with your ballot, $1,000 acceptance fee and your $250 conference fee."
The fund was specifically designed to help new missionaries get established, but is also intended "to assist missionaries who are supported through the ACOP office to help cover costs such as vehicles for the field, upgrades to computer equipment, airfare, conference fees, etc."
In fact, the most reviled aspect of business travel may not happen until weeks or even months after the suitcase has been unpacked: filing an expense report to get reimbursed for everything from conference fees, plane tickets and hotel bills totaling thousands of dollars to a $1.50 cup of coffee.
We also were troubled, in our young arrogance, by the presence of the many, mostly middle-aged women Ms. Daum describes, who were obliged to pay the full conference fee but who, we were certain, didn't have much ability and were there simply to be entertained while in close proximity to "real" writers.