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How could it have come about without connivance on the part of others?
Could you say something about connivance and the role of American secret service!
But now it is gone, and through no connivance of mine.
Through the connivance of the police and the authorities, it was given out to the world as heart disease.
The Giants grabbed him, with his connivance, in the middle of the 1902 season.
Was that done with implied or expressed connivance of the Government?
With her connivance, he is kidnapped and taken to Berlin.
But he refused to comment on the charges of connivance.
This month, he said there should be "less connivance" with African heads of state.
Or is it you and the Vulcan in connivance against me?
Brother dear wanted something, and he was well into his connivance script.
She had been, perhaps even with the connivance of her husband, trying to get with child.
There is also strong evidence that police agents act in connivance with criminals.
In 1728 he escaped, probably with the connivance of the government, and made his way to Holland.
Still, it doesn't prove connivance on the part of my office staff.
This act is often done in connivance with an employee of the lottery firm.
With the connivance of his wife, he conceived a cowardly plan.
She was, poor child, just one of those people to whom events tended to occur with no connivance from themselves at all.
Possibly he could effect his own escape with the connivance of Rudolph, and at the same time free the boy.
That is to say with the connivance of Tommy.
What they do is, in connivance with the local administration charge money from the public for all govt.
The two interpreted what they saw as proof of American connivance in the military takeover.
In order to conceal their connivance with such an unacceptable situation, some are saying that it could be worse.
This he did with the connivance of the cooks.
The records had been destroyed, probably with her connivance.
There are too many indications of human connivery in this to support the interpretation you'd like to put on it."
And whatever Pete wants to celebrate his connivery.
"Come, the democrats have fought the mayors and the traders for eighty years by connivery.
"Now, Clostan would be instantly suspect of such connivery, but not you."
"A man obsessed with chicanery, skulduggery and connivery; in short, a rip-off artist."
He sees only that he was innocent of any crime, past or present, and that any attempt to incriminate him or any of the others on trial with him is political connivery."
So that by the time Makita was depurged, he had a four-inch-thick stack of folders within which were revealed the peccadillos, petty and not so petty, thievery, connivery, and outright bribery by perhaps two dozen bureaucrats of the first and second dan.
True to required form, it's her cleverness and pluck that arouse the dying old man's last ambition and seduce him into running for office one last time to restore his name after the viper-tongued connivery of his opponents has sent him to a state mental hospital and trounced him at the polls.