Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
On the other hand, he did not report the conspirators either.
He had the morning to himself before the conspirators would come for him.
He was still inside and not getting out until they found the conspirators.
It looked like the conspirators were getting together after all.
But he says his years as a conspirator are behind him.
"I am not certain you will make a good conspirator."
They'd still be waiting for word from the conspirators in the city.
He also would not allow the conspirators against his own life to be put to death.
They used it against me later on: I was not one of the conspirators.
He looked from one of his fellow conspirators to another.
No, he had been set up by his fellow conspirators.
The police might have picked on him, too, as another conspirator.
"That would be something known to the conspirators, not to me."
In the space of a few yards they had become conspirators.
Small talk between conspirators, but what was wrong with her father's partner?
You and your little band of conspirators were only across the room from me.
There would have been more had the conspirators tried to land on the station.
You think that I have allowed these poor conspirators to go too far.
The three of them looked at one another for a moment with sick conspirators' eyes.
He looked like a conspirator who wants to reach the place of action on time.
At least, he noted, some of the conspirators were here.
As a result, many of the conspirators are still unknown.
The two conspirators were not expecting anything of the sort.
Someone had fed inside information to the conspirators all day.
The next step was to prove the case against the conspirators.