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It's only at warp speed that one must keep constant thrust.
She's built for constant thrust, none of the usual getting up to a speed, then going on momentum.
No one could stand his constant thrusts and sallies.
Tiny constant thrust accumulates to deviate an object sufficiently from its predicted course.
Should the engines be giving a constant thrust, this will result in progressively smaller acceleration due to the higher mass it is required to accelerate.
A simple PLT system would provide continuous and constant thrust in a straight line.
She exited without fuss, jetting into the hangar, using a small constant thrust level to prevent herself drifting down the chamber.
Fugueship trajectories built up from day after day, year after year of constant thrust.
The deck shifted as theRene Descartes changed tack so that the constant thrust didn't send them out of the system.
A number of other special designs also exist including a hybrid single/double acting design, and a constant speed, constant thrust design.
If, instead of constant thrust, the vehicle has constant acceleration, the engine thrust must decrease during the trajectory.
The constant thrusts and throws seen in high school wrestling would lead anyone to believe that wrestling is quite dangerous and prone to many injuries.
The booster grain had star type hole for very fast burn and the sustainer was cigarette burning type for constant thrust.
Power rather than thrust is appropriate for a propeller driven aircraft, since it is roughly independent of speed; jet engines produce constant thrust.
Another is to use a spacecraft known as a "gravity tractor" to apply a tiny constant thrust which would move the asteroid off course over a period of time.
I've compared simulations using constant thrust and using the actual motor thrust curve and the effect on peak altitude calculations is negligible.
Keys has firmly cemented her place in the affections of a predominantly female audience with the constant thrust of her tender but tough, right on anthems of sisterhood.
Consider the simplified case of a vehicle with constant mass accelerating vertically upwards with a constant thrust per unit mass a in a gravitational field of strength g.
The battle raged, each side in near constant thrust and parry, but as it raged they tired as well, and as it raged the Engineer kept falling back.
This is immediately apparent from basic Newtonian analysis: if constant power produces constant thrust, then input energy is linear with time and output (kinetic) energy is quadratic with time.
A constant thrust only 10 times that achieved so far by Astronaut Hall Of Fame Member Dr. Franklin R. Chang Diaz could move the ISS to the moon.
For small vehicles, the use of flapping wings should be more efficient than traditional propellers, and the constant thrust provided by the flapping motion would allow the vehicle to hover and manoeuvre much like a bird.
At immense cost in men and materiel, the invaders' thrust had been parried, but the invaders themselves lay undamaged just outside the maximum range of Terran weapons systems, and their constant thrusts and probes were quickly exhausting the Earth.
But Mahnmut knew that anything under constant thrust long enough would achieve a horrific velocity soon enough, even while climbing up out of Earths gravity well, and he also knew that the robot ship would be increasing that thrust as it climbed.