Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
She added, "At least we're trying to contextualize it in a responsible way."
"I tell them that it's a good first draft, but you need a human being to contextualize this stuff."
"I try to contextualize in terms of history and whatever else seems relevant.
I appreciated the effort to historically contextualize the subject of black film making.
It is also a way to contextualize a museum object or artifact.
Also, it is not sufficiently contextualized to be available for use in actual communication.
Reader's book aims to contextualize the potato in world history.
Before the data means anything it has to be balanced, weighted, contextualized and interpreted.
Consideration of gender, then, needs to be contextualized within class and ethnic divisions.
The interview data were contextualized by internal company documents, the business press and other published academic studies.
Sweet is also an advocate of contextualizing Christianity into digital culture.
You have to contextualize the remark in the overall discussion to fully understand what was meant.
Much of Baker's work has been centered on contextualizing these concepts in historical terms.
The images, audio and environment must contextualize the story.
Outside historically contextualized meanings, there are no "genuinely significant" works of art.
"But it does not contextualize things in the right way, in my view.
"If they could contextualize that they'd make a fortune."
I knew I could extract its secrets and contextualize them.
This case set a precedent for race related litigation and contextualized judging.
This assumption was contextualized and further explained by the general theory of relativity.
These two branches are important to recognize because they allow the history of the feminist movement to be contextualized within American culture.
He was careful to contextualize his responses, but essentially remained open to exploring any idea.
It contextualizes its subject by describing background, historical details and statistical data.
The sorting out and contextualizing will come later.
As a prose writer he's pretty much the same, with extra mugging and contextualizing.
You should look at the numerous comment pieces I have done, and contextualise them.
As an aside, I do not think that this is necessarily a problem either when you contextualise the flow of information in the real world.
A very basic synopsis of the play follows in order to contextualise the analysis.
To contextualise: we have one little girl and we're not exactly planning a third (Hi third child!
Various special features have also been compiled which include background and analysis articles that contextualise important events on the continent.
It is important to contextualise Nizan's political and ideological development at this juncture.
Far too often press releases are simply reworded without any attempt to analyse or contextualise the supposed findings.
A journalist might emphasise one part of the research and ignore other parts altogether in an effort to contextualise the story for their readers.
Its concrete framework is visibly expressed and it has red brick infills to contextualise it.
Organisers of each Interface Focus issue are strongly encouraged to contextualise the journal within their chosen subject.
This attempted to contextualise Jain thoughts within the broad framework, rather than espouse narrow partisan views.
Devoting a session to pre-war Jewish life, to contextualise the impact of the Holocaust was a "light bulb" moment.
Therefore the laudable desire to contextualise the message must not be pressed to provide a carte blanche advocacy of every aspect of a particular culture.
Attempts by Barwise and Perry (1983) in their formulation of a situation semantics show promising moves to contextualise semantic theory.
Having said that I could contextualise it all to the time and make an attempt to rationalise it in a more modern way but ......
The Language Location Method uses traditional and popular media to enrich, reinforce and contextualise early English language acquisition.
Williams and MM, as it was known, helped to promote and contextualise styles such as progressive rock and folk rock.
Because of this, they loom to fit in or contextualise themselves within a desired group and use socially-derived understandings of product characteristics as a basis for their consumption.
Balls's will appreciate Mr Watt's attempt to instruct the bbc on how to contextualise Muir's comments.
It had fascias of rusticated concrete blocks, made of bluestone aggregate mixed with coloured cement, to contextualise it.
Clearly, to contextualise ideological responses historically is not to neutralise the ideological responses themselves, but it is to take a significant step towards understanding more fully the issues involved.
This report is the latest in a significant line of reports that have aimed to contextualise the prevailing regulatory approvals system and to make recommendations for changes or reform of the system.
Possibly calculated, but not used as an official figure until 1997 to contextualise the claimant count figure, which was the headline figure mercilessly fiddled by the last four Tory governments.
The basic research done by the DDS provides historians historians with primary sources allowing them to work on specific aspects of Swiss foreign policy or to contextualise more complex developments.
It is worth noting that the collection includes essays that seek to explicate and contextualise Kristeva's writings, for these will be useful to students attempting to assimilate the subtleties of her work.