Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The contour customization settings include: Min. and max contour value.
For AM, follow the contour value with the appropriate D, N or NL letters (Day, Night or Night Limit).
Mr. Mimis said that it would be difficult to justify adopting a different overload contour value other than EMCAB2, however, he agreed to investigate further on the proposal.
And further, as a very rough/first approximation: higher contour values are associated with warmer weather; lower contour values with colder weather, or Polar/low contours vs.
Mr. Stacey suggested that due to the uncertain time frame of the issuance of the antenna policy, this committee should consider adopting the 125 dBu overload contour value to harmonize with the EMCAB2 value for all broadcasting facilities at the next meeting (June 2006).