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For fusion to be useful, a slow, controlled reaction is required.
I need you to calculate the best thermal curve to give us a controlled reaction.
"Don't be ridiculous," Chuck snapped, but his controlled reaction had come too late.
Basically, the fuel cell works by bringing about a controlled reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.
The reactants are combined at 77 K and slowly warmed, to allow for a controlled reaction.
Provocative challenge is intended to induce a controlled reaction as a means of confirming diagnosis.
The first controlled reaction had been achieved four years earlier, on December 2, 1942, at the University of Chicago.
Controlled rate of neutron release permits controlled reaction, as in a nuclear power plant.
That, they said, allows for a more controlled reaction and closely replicates the sophisticated focal patterns created by natural stimuli.
The model can also be implemented when finite rate kinetically controlled reaction is to be simulated.
Their nanotrees could potentially use sunlight to ultimately generate an electrical current for a controlled reaction without greenhouse gas emissions.
The means of generating such a controlled reaction were uncertain, and the data obtained would not be as useful as that from a full-scale explosion.
Using plutonium reduces the amount of highly enriched uranium needed to produce a controlled reaction in commercial light-water reactors.
Fermi contributes to atomic energy research with his work on artificial radioactive resources, helps split the atom in a controlled reaction.
A couple of other models for diffusion controlled reaction, ascribing these deviations to changes of steric requirements, were also examined.
But lambic beers are made as they were centuries before Pasteur, when the process of fermentation seemed to be a miracle rather than a controlled reaction.
The trans compound is favored due to antiperiplanar effects of the final aldol condensation in kinetically controlled reactions.
TBP can be prepared by the controlled reaction of elemental bromine with phenol:
Rapid diffusion accelerates diffusion controlled reactions.
Empire", a song by Superheist on the album Identical Remote Controlled Reactions "
Another study focuses on carefully controlled reactions of PAH in a Teflon- lined smog chamber.
• with 4 were assumed to be proportional to rate constants for diffusion controlled reactions, kd, which were estimated from measured viscosities.
Reduction of camphor with sodium borohydride (fast and irreversible) gives instead the isomer isoborneol as the kinetically controlled reaction product.
The ideologist said that in order to "prevent a catastrophe" in the Soviet Union it was necessary "to transform the impending explosion into a controlled reaction."
Identical Remote Controlled Reactions is the second and final studio album by Australian nu metal group Superheist.