Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He left her, making his way around the convivial group by the fire.
Instead, he said, "things are much more convivial and people at a personal level want to work together."
He'd had a little too much to drink among convivial people.
It was all so convivial you'd never guess this is a nation at war.
But truly, he not found a group this convivial since.
A few friends, and a quiet convivial party would be the thing, if we could get it up.
"I was looking forward to a convivial evening, just me and you."
He is said to have been a devoted husband and a convivial man among men.
Up until that point, things had been very pleasant, even convivial.
After all, you need only a surface and a convivial spirit.
Dinner is not just a convivial occasion at the end of a day.
The dinner was somewhat more convivial than the evening before.
His face brightened up, and he began to feel quite convivial.
It is the perfect place to meet friends for a very convivial meal.
But he was the antithesis of the convivial party man.
Our job is to make the data base much more convivial."
During the long, warm summer nights you will find some convivial place to while away the evening.
"No matter how convivial the company or engaging the surroundings."
It was a pleasant and, for many of those present, a very convivial lunch.
The group still formed the participants in a convivial bridge game.
I left him in not a little dudgeon, and went to find more convivial company.
There are those who remember when the Net was a remarkably convivial place.
The convivial atmosphere of the house concert is a great way to share that certain energy.
Now one day is about as long as anyone wants to be convivial.
Instead, he's acting like a most convivial and informed guide.