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He picked up a legal pad with a handwritten copy of the writing.
Still I promised to give him a copy of the writing, and with this he was, or feigned to be, content.
No, two; I sold my personal copy of the Writings.
A facsimile copy of the writing was published in United States Magazine in July 1855.
He wondered what the evening sky would be like and if Father Prior would send him a copy of the writings of Richard of Wallingford.
Among them was her historical scrap-book, containing her almost faultless copies of the writing of Napoleon, Charles II, Marie Antoinette and a score of other famous people.
Visitors to his office in Buenos Aires leave with copies of the writings of the Grand Rebbe, the late Menachem M. Schneerson, and a sense that Eduardo finds a spiritual mission in his investments.
Moreover, I gave him that copy of the writing which I had made and, his charter being fulfilled, bade him get back to Egypt as soon as might be and deliver it to Noot, the high-priest of Isis, and with it all this story.
Eventually he would have to carry the robe upstairs to his bedroom, brush it, and hang it up properly; and eventually he would have to remove the manteion's copy of the Writings themselves from the robe's big front pocket and restore it to its proper place.