Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Given the actual situation, however, a corrective mechanism is clearly needed.
We need to have corrective mechanisms implemented at the right time.
Corrective mechanisms should have been introduced in Berlin but this did not happen.
You're moving on inertia only, following your course with no corrective mechanisms."
How is it, then, that such findings have not brought about the introduction of a formal corrective mechanism?
Moreover, we need a corrective mechanism for any cases where a national judicial system does not meet the minimum standards.
This is consistent with the systems concept of feedback as a regulatory and corrective mechanism.
In most industrialized countries there is a built-in corrective mechanism when an economy veers off course.
Nowhere does the encyclical acknowledge that church teaching has ever been wrong, or discuss a corrective mechanism.
This greater transparency, I think, both serves as an additional corrective mechanism for the paper and bolsters our public credibility.
The European Union, as well as the rest of the world has investigative and corrective mechanisms in place, which trickle down to the micro level.
The knowledge gained from the Challenger was not stored in the organizational memory and therefore was not available to create sufficient corrective mechanisms.
That explains why numerous rules of economics designed within and for the great continental units cannot in fairness be applied to the island regions without corrective mechanisms.
It is precisely these decisions that subordinate shareholder interests and that trigger the much maligned corrective mechanisms of takeovers and restructuring.
A reduction of the British rebate in agricultural subsidies and a possible move to co-financing would at the same time pave the way for a general corrective mechanism.
Since then the safeguards and corrective mechanisms have been eroded and once again the greedy, incapable even of enlightened self-interest have brought the system to its knees.
These questions, which the recent proposal for a corrective mechanism supported by Austria also recently shed light on, will be included in a planned report on the own resources system.
Therefore, the body will not adopt corrective mechanisms and there will be an increased risk of a serious reaction resulting from the ingestion of both drugs at the same time.
In particular, the current exemptions and corrective mechanisms should be gradually phased out, which would be an essential step towards greater fairness and transparency in the EU budget.
For the initial contraction to worsen into a depression, various corrective mechanisms (autonomous shifts in the way people and businesses behave, government policies, forces in the international economy) must then fail to work.
This report, which is part of a package of six reports on economic governance in the EU, aims to create preventive and corrective mechanisms, so avoiding budget deficits and excessive debt.
Public distortion of risk signals provides a corrective mechanism by which society assesses a fuller determination of the risk and its impacts to such things not traditionally factored into a risk analysis.
A solution on the expenditure side will only be feasible if it is accompanied by short-term and long-term solutions on the Union’s own resources, corrective mechanisms designed to improve the internal balance of the budget.
Should there not be a move towards cofinancing, however - which is of course likely - then we need, in any case, to develop corrective mechanisms or capping systems which come as close as possible to meeting the desired objective.
Viruses with their genetic code written in RNA are known to sustain many mutations when they reproduce because they do not have a corrective mechanism for recognizing and repairing replication errors, as do DNA viruses, Dr. Youngner said in an interview.