Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The decision to use a time or cost ratio turns on the problem at hand.
It is also known for its high value to cost ratio compared to other area country clubs.
It will increase the domestic cost ratios and so the gains from trade.
For many 'green designs', the usual problem is that they have a low current value/costs ratio.
Will the investment yield a solid benefit to cost ratio?
On this basis, the Government's assessment is that the proposed network would have a benefit:cost ratio of between 1.8 and 2.5.
Even on the Government's best and likely flawed estimates the benefit cost ratio of the scheme is only just over 2:1.
"Oh, the cost ratio study was done all right and all the figures're real.
They are deeply fearful of digital distribution because the cost ratios no longer work in their favor.
The benefit cost ratios of the recommendations over time is estimated as:
An 8 percent administrative cost ratio ($33 million out of $440 million) is better than most large private corporations can do.
The medical cost ratio is the percentage of insurance premiums paid out to doctors, hospitals and other health care providers.
It is a low-cost, labor-intensive technology claimed to have a very high benefit/cost ratio.
Due to the speed of attachments, they usually had a much lower reward/cost ratio than adventures.
They want to lay down efficient (strength to cost ratio) Characters to attack with while using damage dealing sources to clear the way.
Today, the government noted in passing with a shrug that their benefit to costs ratio has already been downgraded slightly.
This contrasts with the 20:1 benefit cost ratio for walking and cycling routes, which clearly are equitable.
For an organization to deliver value, it has to improve its value : cost ratio.
This results in a benefit cost ratio for each option, usually compared to the "do-nothing" counterfactual.
According to benefit to costs ratios, the project was beneficial to the US but not to Canada.
It is designed to provide a analytical framework to help estimate the benefit cost ratios and financial value of regeneration schemes.
If the cost ratio & terms of trade are closer to each other more will be the gains from trade of the participating countries.
As fresh water supplies become limited from distribution costs, increased population demands, or climate change reducing sources, the cost ratios will evolve also.
This road towards sustainability is often far more promising than the strategy of enhancing the value/costs ratio of a green design.
'Traditionally, because the company has focused on lower average premium business, the cost ratio has been higher than some,' Davidson said.