Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Any such project was subject to local cost sharing in the same manner as larger projects.
It does not allow any variation in premiums or cost sharing.
Effects of cost sharing on use of medical services and health.
The China rules provide a general framework for cost sharing agreements.
It would receive $1.6 million less than under cost sharing.
It is jointly financed by the member companies on a cost sharing basis.
Under this new arrangement, cost sharing was no more.
Beneficiary cost sharing can be higher for drugs in these tiers.
Among other things, they are using these approaches: * Increasing cost sharing.
The authors concluded that the effect of cost sharing should be carefully monitored.
Law 213 for the year 1994 for farmer participation and cost sharing.
Others will look for the plan that requires the lowest cost sharing or co-payment.
GO Transit has committed to cost sharing at this station.
Cost sharing is a feature of the program.
But each team is expected to put about $400 million of its own money into the project, a practice known in the industry as cost sharing.
Premiums for insurance policies providing coverage for cost sharing are not included.
The city was also prepared to attract a private developer by offering cost sharing or tax abatements.
Furthermore, appropriate cost sharing principles must be laid down for cross-border investments.
Co-op advertising- cost sharing by the manufacturer, distributor or dealer.
Beneficiary cost sharing is, on average, higher among small firms than large firms.
Thus all Medicaid rules and regulations (including cost sharing and benefits) apply.
See "matching or cost sharing" in this section.
Insurers often compete by their choice of service offerings, cost sharing requirements, and limitations on physicians.
Spark will lead to cost sharing and asset re-use, meaning government can deliver more for less.
A: There's going to have to be more cost sharing or more revenue sharing.