But American officials say privately that the rule is needed to counter public pressure in foreign countries to ban American vessels that carry nuclear weapons.
The protective garments are designed to protect against chemical/biological hazards and cold-water immersion, to counter g-forces and low pressure at high altitudes, and to provide thermal relief.
The Saudis say, in fact, that they may have to raise production this year to counter pressure for higher prices as demand rises in Europe, Asia and perhaps the United States.
The National Center for Science Education has added climate change to its mandate, offering teachers advice on how to counter pressure from school boards and parents to depart from the scientific consensus.
Syria would like to get closer to Iraq in order to counter pressure on Damascus from Turkey and Israel.
Mr. Johnson said the Fed had tightened monetary policy to counter modest inflationary pressure but seemed to suggest that the inflationary impact of the dollar's fall was minimal.
Trying to counter pressure from the right, a coalition of liberal groups said today that the White House's review of Federal affirmative action programs should not lead to any cutback in them.
Medtronic Inc., a leading device company in the cardiovascular field, is trying to counter pressure to cut pacemaker prices by offering discounts to hospitals that will buy more of its other products.
The column of drilling mud exerts downward hydrostatic pressure to counter opposing pressure from the formation being drilled, allowing drilling to proceed.
The European Union could, furthermore, assist the countries of the South in preparing their legislation in this spirit in order to counter ultra-liberal pressure.