The first is an arrangement in which the lender covers the closing costs, but charges you a higher interest rate.
But it is usually enough to cover telephone calls, meals in the hotel restaurant and other charges, he said.
Others, it said, have changed from covering actual charges paying a set amount per case that is "usually based on diagnosis and intensity of care."
Last October, Sears said its portfolio would need an additional $222 million to cover uncollectible charges for the third quarter.
It would be possible to take the view that clause 12 covered all costs, charges and expenses whether or not improperly incurred.
Service and cover charges - for the bread and table - are also included.
One advantage of college-sponsored plans is that they usually cover charges that students may incur at the campus health center.
Always to bring cash to the closing of the replacement property to cover loan fees or other charges which are not qualified costs.
A licence has to be obtained and a deposit paid in advance to cover charges for a reasonable time.
The rent was used to cover current charges and pay off arrears.