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And what did the city do with all those crack babies?
I would love to see crack babies stop being born.
She was already part of a group nobody wanted to deal with: crack babies.
Crack babies seem to be everywhere, and they will not go away.
Elisa was born a crack baby only a month later, according to the family.
"Crack baby" is not a medical diagnosis but a media stereotype.
Then I read a new study about crack babies.
The child was diagnosed a crack baby, with cocaine in her blood stream.
As you recently noted, we are just now seeing the first crack babies entering the school system.
People feel that these kids are like crack babies.
We have crack babies coming into to school who can't sit still for 10 seconds.
Her third delivery, only a year before, produced an- j other crack baby, one immediately taken by the city.
The groundwork study for the committee says about 375,000 crack babies were born in this country last year alone.
Born a premature crack baby and weighing only three pounds, she was not expected to live.
Intensive hospital care for each crack baby costs about $90,000.
Her second child, Stanton, was born toxic, a crack baby.
Just wait until all the crack babies are going to school and having babies.
The setting could not have been further from the urban scourge of crack babies.
Maybe bounties could be paid for death certificates of crack babies.
More crack babies are born to more unwed young women.
In our current issue, they grapple with the pain and shame of being labeled crack babies.
And the reason is crack babies being born.
Pregnant heroin addicts, yes, but not the women who will give birth to the crack babies.
The children must walk by crack houses to get to school; many are former crack babies themselves.
We must establish programs for the early intervention and treatment of crack babies and their mothers.