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I can be pretty cranky about this, being kept from the water.
It's hard to go wrong by getting cranky about these issues.
Am I just getting too old and cranky for this board?
Maybe I'm getting too old and cranky, he said to himself.
I think they view me as a cranky old man who sort of knows what he's doing.
Or at least the ones I meet get cranky about it.
Then you have to protect it even more, and people start to get cranky.
She would have a hard time going to sleep then and be very cranky the next morning.
Feel cranky and unable to deal with even small problems.
It makes them cranky to have to bring their own coffee to work.
School officials report an increase in the number of children who are cranky and tired.
His mother is a very cranky, tired woman with too many children.
Or she might have been too tired and cranky to come back for any reason.
Sometimes he'd get so cranky he would hit his classmates.
"He was fairly cranky the whole time you were gone."
Maybe that was why he seemed so cranky all of a sudden.
His parents get cranky if he does not have dinner prepared each night on time.
Think of me as a cranky old man if you must, but I shall say no more on this matter.
I couldn't believe how difficult and cranky most of them made the process.
She was only in her 80's when Bobby died, though, and not so cranky.
But the real problem is, you've got a cranky baby, probably with a fever.
The old woman is a little cranky, but I would be too in her place."
"I just came here to watch you act cranky and frustrated."
Last time they saw each other the patient was sick, cranky.
He eased the cranky window up and then down behind him.