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We have to start thinking about these issues a bit more creatively.
I would say things are the same as they always were creatively.
In some cases this may, of course, be a good thing creatively.
Or, more creatively yet, maybe one new senator could just stop talking for a while.
"Creatively the show is in a great place" he added.
A struggle with how to move on, and what to do creatively.
Someone had to have used magic creatively in the first place.
But some artists work creatively with those terms, and a few even change them.
What few Democrats did at the time was think creatively about the new world of foreign policy.
"We get so much paper in our lives that can be used creatively," she said.
How are we going to handle that creatively in the future?
Rather, you should simply make the effort to think creatively about how to spend your time together.
They will force industry to think creatively about new technologies.
He was the street reporter and worked creatively on both shows.
Our government must start to think more creatively about how to solve problems.
"Creatively I'm into fall 2001; this show should have been held two months ago."
"Once you open up their minds and get them to think creatively about music."
It just feels like the right time for me to move on creatively.
"But I'm convinced that a young couple could come in and make a lot of money if they think creatively."
"Yet he's getting us out of the box a bit creatively."
"The next step is to use the material creatively," he said.
You can learn how to write creatively with literature and study.
I am at my best creatively between midday and 10 past.
The limited materials make students think much more creatively with what they are given.
But with the vines at least, he may have just needed to think more creatively.