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For a man of science, you seem far too credulous.
How credulous does he think people in the financial world are?
"You must not go through life being too credulous, my friend.
They would preach to the credulous among my own race.
Christmas was obviously for credulous children and I no longer felt a part of it.
I didn't want to run the risk of being thought too credulous again.
How will you try to prevent such credulous reporting in the future?
Now some have - and foreign investors, less credulous anyway, are more needed than they used to be.
She's not stupid, you know, but she is very credulous.
Are the markets credulous and racing far ahead of events?
In the first place, Reagan staff members were extraordinarily credulous.
Something in my voice must have sounded less than credulous, for her head turned sharply toward me.
The trouble in this case is that everybody has been much too credulous and believing.
All this to be paid for by the credulous bereaved!
God, when will I stop being such a credulous fool?"
This is the twenty-seventh century, and we are not so credulous.
I'm trying not to be too credulous here, but that's definitely an organized structure.
It is women who are credulous about such things.
The subject of the belief may even be correct, but a credulous person will believe it without good evidence.
The credulous approach can allow proving both something and its contrary.
I was at the time a rather credulous person, especially when it came to ideology."
The piece seems a little credulous about the military's staffing plight.
The unfolding of the story shows that the paper is just a little too credulous about the need for this spending.
Husbands, I've found, are a credulous lot where illness is concerned.
It may not be a better time, but it certainly is a more credulous one.