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So does fire, though only in the sense of cremation.
You asked me not to go away after the cremation.
Cremation became common at the end of the 1st century.
He was 61 years old and only eight people were present at his cremation.
So we started doing more cremations - it made good sense.
The one I took away with me is to be sure if you're doing a cremation that you have the right body.
For that reason, he said, cremation has become more popular.
She also said the cremation and memorial service had already taken place, just two days after the death.
Her will was read later that day, including the request for cremation.
There were no human remains or cremations found at the site.
It was a still, autumn day when the cremation took place.
Looking for my father, even after his cremation, in the coffee bar where I used to meet him.
Cremation is the act of burning a body after it has died.
Unfortunately, there are no cremations in the next couple of days.
The body is taken to the cremation ground and placed with head towards the south.
As per his last wish, he was buried and not Cremation.
There is enough money to cover the cremation and any other expenses.
Why did it have to be a burial, not a simple cremation?
So that was the last time we had a cremation."
Traditional funeral companies must also deal with an increase in cremations.
The son is allowed to say his good-bye before the cremation.
The cremation ceremony took place on the 9th of November.
The option of cremation has been provided since March 1982.
She was taken to the mainland for the cremation last Friday.
The first one is called Green funeral and concerns cremation of the body.