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"I had to go to a formal event with scabs on my eyebrows and to this day the skin is crepey and wrinkled."
And as if to prove that couture has not become a crepey old widow without interest, the collections this season produced a real trend: the super-elongated line.
The people on the sidewalk were mostly thin guys with crepey skin and women with pale skin and loose upper arms from eating too much deep-fried food.
Her job is to help market cosmetics, even if that means tacky advertisements that prey on women's insecurities ("With crepey skin like this, she's no longer the life of the party") or over-the-top promotion strategies.
Lifting her glance, Remy saw that it was the same with her mother's face--the initial impression was one of youth, and only a closer look revealed the faintly crepey quality of the skin around the eyes and mouth.