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A young woman stood crisply at attention by his side.
I mean nothing of the sort,' his mother said crisply.
You three had better be right about this, she told them crisply.
Her thoughts did not run crisply but she could reason.
"Go and stand with your face to that wall," he said crisply.
He made the decision and gave his orders crisply down the phone.
The voice at the other end of the line became crisply efficient.
Crisply, he was reading the list of items to be moved.
I was qualified, as my mother would have said crisply, to do nothing.
We want this lot at the station, he said, crisply.
However, she must have made sense, for the voice said crisply that yes, he would be round in ten minutes.
I am not going to tell you,' she replied crisply.
"You'll want Bill," the woman who ran the place told us crisply.
Ellis returned it just as crisply, and then went inside.
She frowned, surprised at the thought, and turned crisply away.
Mike said crisply, "How long before they can do it?"
"We just hit the shop where they made their connection," said the control crisply.
I must have looked quite out of place among the crisply dressed young attorneys.
"He is able to express the essence of issues very crisply."
"I read the data just as you did," he responded crisply.
"I had no idea your memory was so good," the captain said crisply.
He stared straight ahead for a moment, then spoke crisply.
But he answered crisply, No, we have had our orders.
The voice replied crisply, "You'll find out when the time comes!"
"Here's what we want you to do," she went on crisply.