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She was crooking her fingers at the first guard as the others came up.
He had dropped the gun, was crooking his hands like claws.
Again he looked at her, a tiny smile crooking one corner of his mouth.
"Come here," he said, crooking his finger to call her.
He turned away, crooking a finger as he did so.
It raised one hand high overhead, crooking the wrist to the left.
The man at the phone started to turn around, crooking the phone between his ear and shoulder.
This is the literary equivalent of crooking your little finger when you drink tea.
But suddenly there he was again, standing a few feet from our booth, smiling and crooking his finger at me.
But suddenly he stopped and looked back one last time, the corner of his lips crooking up into a fond smile.
He gestured to her with his index finger, crooking it to indicate she was to come toward him.
"Move out," Chakotay said, crooking a thumb over his shoulder.
Riker demanded, crooking a thumb over his shoulder, toward the window.
Crooking a finger, she tapped experimentally, and caught her breath.
She was not a naturally short woman, but age had made her so by crooking her body into a nearly perfect question mark.
She strode into her workshop, crooking a finger at Briar.
"Come with me," the man said, crooking his finger.
Crooking a finger under her chin, he lifted her face to the light.
Johnny leaned back, crooking one arm over the back of the chair.
He blushed a little at the compliment, his mouth crooking up on one side, then slipped out the door.
The commander stood up and leaned forward, crooking his finger at Jayme.
She was crooking her finger around a cup of Earl Grey.
A jubilant grin still kept crooking up the comer of his mouth.
He opened the door and, crooking his finger, beckoned to Lipa.
Could settle the deadliest quarrel in the country by crooking his little finger.