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Girls rather frightened him, although that did not inhibit his crustiness.
Can fried chicken travel with its crustiness intact?
I squirmed round to see, feeling the crustiness where they had mopped vomit away from my mouth.
(Actually he was their best friend on the council, but he had his crustiness to maintain.)
In the next he moves to crustiness:
Beneath the guarded crustiness, he loves his boy, though he won't discuss the death of Tim's mother.
Despite his crustiness, Mr. Ludwig was firmly loyal to some old associates.
The former gives Feynman, his crustiness and independence flaring, a chance to put bureaucrats in their place; the second makes him almost unbearably sentimental.
Crustiness is a culinary come-on.
But it is ashes, Mum, not crustiness.'
On the other hand, he was sweet-tempered and equable, and he did not resent the early shows of crustiness which Michael made.
To his credit, the actor avoids condescension and spares us the attempt at an alien English crustiness and suavity.
Beneath his patina of venerable crustiness, Cuthbert harbored the heart of a prankster.
His room still has bare walls, and Mr. Sena, who remarkably retains a head of dark hair, has not lost his crustiness.
It is a forbidding, superb performance, catching not only the coldness of such a man but the patrician crustiness that conceals deep and raging contempt."
Among the boatyards and lobster joints, there's not much to disturb the island's cherished ambience of saltwater crustiness and lowland calm.
With typical crustiness, Colonel Hook, now 70 years old, refers to his popularity as a tribute to the "weakmindedness of the British public."
With great crustiness, Mr. Weizman pounced back, declaring all the objections ludicrous in an era of peacemaking.
For all his crustiness, Mr. Masur has a disarmingly sincere belief in the capacity of great music to ennoble us.
Iris looking at her with a guarded, startled expression, as unmotherly as Angbard's supercillious crustiness.
Gradually the crustiness of the wound was softening, and when he changed the compress for the fourth time, the evil matter inside the wound began to flow out.
Rather like Jacobi - and here all comparisons end - Postlethwaite went down the route of splenetic crustiness rather than tyrannical grandeur.
Earth's solidity and crustiness are emphasized in Paton Miller's farm scenes, which have a chalkiness that often lends an aura of allegory to his generalized subjects.
He came across as defiant and argumentative, but new employees and clients alike quickly realized that his crustiness masked his fairness, loyalty and hearty sense of humor.
Baldwin Hill is one of these, and from a nutritional standpoint this bakery's ingredients have the most integrity, although its breads lack the crustiness of some country breads.