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He said it gave him the feeling of stumbling through a cubist space.
There is a noticeable cubist influence in his work as well.
His work was described as "cubist" in publications of the time.
A portrait of another person, albeit cubist, comes into fuzzy focus.
He also discovered a global community of cubists and found out about the puzzle's origins.
The common hall, room 20, in which the Cubists placed themselves became the nucleus of the exhibition.
It was in fact rejected by the hanging committee, which included his brothers and other Cubists.
Though chiefly naturalistic, the cubist influence is also present here.
The first half of a double page cubist drawing.
From that point on he painted only in the cubist and fauvist manner.
The tea sent a dozen fingers across the cubist lino.
He became a member of the cubist movement.
There are modernists, Cubists and folk artists, some with no formal training.
Next, she noticed the subtly distorted perspective, probably a result of cubist influences.
In the spring of 1911 the cubists made sure they were shown together, infiltrating the placement committee.
Most of his other designs (cubist factory, theater) were admired but never realized.
Even the most accomplished fighters get their faces rearranged into cubist paintings.
Because of this, they are called the Gallery Cubists.
The cubist had his workshop in Montrouge from 1916 to 1918.
Much of his more cubist work uses brightly contrasting colors and involves human forms.
Announcing the birth of an artistic movement: the Web Cubists.
But the cubist discipline preserved him from falling into excesses of nature worship.
Intelligence had to work in harmony with sensation, thus together providing the building blocks for the Cubists construction.
Roberts himself, however, later preferred the description 'Cubist' for his work of this period.
For a brief period after these experiences he worked in a cubist manner, but would later revert to a more traditional style.
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Despite this, he did not have a Cubist period in his work.
They mark also the final phase of the first period in Cubist painting.
He held no one in higher esteem than the great Cubist painter.
A Cubist painting is constantly revealing itself in new ways.
This is a feature of Cubist painting that was soon to become very apparent.
"I made it as a caricature of a Cubist sculpture."
People stopped painting Cubist images, and art moved on.
The overall effect is of a Cubist rock garden.
The light was just right to make the walls and doors seem to collapse into one another, a Cubist painting come to life.
The Cubist art, which was sold last week, brought $21.5.
He soon became an ardent promoter of the Cubist style.
At stake was more than just the future of public funding for exhibitions that included Cubist art.
A Cubist tuxedo, it looks strikingly different from every angle.
Once the artist embarked on his Cubist adventure, however, her interest cooled.
The impression is of being inside a Cubist violin.
The author himself defined his novel "a Cubist epic fantasy".
A change from the larger, more open compositions of his last show, these have a taut, Cubist punch.
Intact, the collection enabled you to study the entire element of the Cubist style'.
First a painter of the Cubist school, he later developed his own playful primitive style.
In 1923 he began to experiment with painting in the Cubist style.
The artist's sensitivity to wood helps to make the works much more than Cubist quotations.
It is a geometric composition with some Cubist influence.
It is generally recognized, however, that the first Cubist exhibition transpired in 1911.
For him, Cubist art required "instant sensory awareness of the whole" rather than perspective alone.
He described the sculpture as resembling a Cubist waterfall, 45 feet high with 20-foot-long sides.
Its body was cubistic, with a television screen where its face should be.
And anyone who could survive whatever catastrophe had left him with this cubistic face was a man she wanted on her team in a crisis.
Then, when one looked away from the mirror, one saw the whole world as shattered and cubistic.
The cubistic figures in the second group were hollow, and there was an X of small cubes running through them.
Bright, cubistic images swarmed along the ropes as if seeking to escape.
The 'cubistic flotilla' can be seen in the foreground.
It was cubistic and featured dramatic natural light.
He is known among New York artists primarily for his cubistic paintings of urban imagery.
It was the sort of thing a normal boy would make, vaguely reminiscent of a cubistic ship.
The ship had become a cubistic landscape.
A cubistic whitewashed brick structure crouched in the center of this unnatural indoor forest.
The theater piece is cubistic in that it deals with black boxes of various sizes, which the actor improvises into action.
It was a cityscape of close-packed buildings, all of the same cold cubistic design.
The same subject matter appears in Cubistic paintings so wispy and pale they are barely there (Johnson).
Then he became aware that the circle of the great orb was oddly distorted and broken, like a moon in some cubistic painting.
"Collector" is a baby-blue dresser that has been subjected to an intricate Cubistic deconstruction.
He stepped out on the twentieth floor down and navigated the cubistic maze until he found the proper apartment.
First among those films is Martin Scorsese's cubistic entertainment about men divided by power, loyalty and their own selves.
Collages made in the 1970's using 40-year-old charcoal drawings have a beautiful Cubistic elegance; they are the best works of her career.
Even the Czech Cubists were not so Cubistic.
But they are carefully plotted and foreshadowed by pale, Cubistic scaffoldings of intersecting pencil lines.
Celestina was in her tiny studio apartment, working happily on a cubistic self-portrait, when her sister called.
Mr. Jones, whose face is a landscape of craggy suggestiveness, handles the story's cubistic structure with finesse.
He also articulates Cubistic passages in different places, adding claylike sculptural punctuation.
Mr. Sabol likes to talk about his approach to filming football games as a Cubistic look at sport.
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