Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The influence of the refugees was particularly important in the cultural field.
His design has become a project meant to be an international reference in the cultural field.
Further proof of her nationwide recognition is in the cultural field.
It also lays a firm basis for cooperation in the cultural field.
Treurnicht was the author of no fewer than 16 books, many in the cultural field.
International House is renowned for excelling in the cultural field.
"There is still a lot of chaos in the management of the cultural field."
The fact is, investments in the cultural field are neither encouraged nor promoted at present.
It was also the era of benefactors both in social and cultural fields.
However, he continues to combine his interests in the cultural field with his political career.
It contains the remains of those who have made important contributions in the military, civic and cultural fields.
Article 3 would require us to pass new federal laws not only in political but also in "social, economic and cultural fields."
He is also member of governing boards of various general organisations, particularly in the cultural field.
Another important aspect in the bilateral relationship is growing cooperation in the cultural field, especially education.
Also in the cultural field, Chakava came with innovating publications.
Some Bürgergemeinden also provide services in the cultural field, such as supporting libraries and museums.
Local minority governments had also sprang forth, active mainly on cultural fields.
Activities in an academic or cultural field have been presented by the Japan Foundation annually since 1973.
It is usually a simple matter to gain permission to perform a cultural field survey, especially a non-intrusive one.
Throughout its short history, Proletkult had sought both autonomy from state control and hegemony in the cultural field.
Culture: Those deemed worthy enough in cultural fields are permitted to wear a purple tie.
If we go through the cultural field, Edathanattukara has a pleasant cultural heritage.
Thirdly, help is also needed in the social and cultural field, because multicultural organizations need to be able to regenerate themselves.
This program does not deal exclusively with books, but includes debates with personalities from all cultural fields.
With cultural field trips and an end-of-summer performance.
They are not considered equivalent to Kulturkreis (Culture circles).
(exhibition by the Kulturkreis Looshaus).
Der westafrikanische Kulturkreis.
Kulturkreis Ostafrikanische Steppenjäger.
Kulturkreis Wiehl e.V.
Leuschner has been chairman of the Denzlinger Kulturkreis for more than 20 years and organizer of a prestigious and highly successful concert series in Denzlingen.
Paul Reinecke in 1925 postulated a North-Thracian-Cimmerian cultural sphere (nordthrakisch-kimmerischer Kulturkreis) overlapping with the younger Hallstatt culture of the Eastern Alps.
Arguing against the idea, then current, that "natural people" were remnants from the prehistoric era who could reveal the true nature of humanity, Kulturkreis scholars brought history back into the study of allegedly timeless peoples.
Erzherzog-Johann-Liedtraditionen vor, in, neben und nach "Wo i geh und steh", Mürzzuschlag: Kulturkreis Ars Styriae Erzherzog Johann, 1996.
Gütschow has received numerous awards, including the ars viva prize awarded by the Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft (2006) and the Otto-Dix-Prize/IBM Art Award for New Media, Gera (2001).
In America, Clyde Kluckhohn of Harvard was known to have been influenced by the same Vienna Kulturkreis scholars as Fürer-Haimendorf, and indeed, spent a year in Vienna while Fürer-Haimendorf was there.
The Kulturkreis (roughly, "culture circle" or "cultural field") school was a central idea of the early 20th-century Austrian school of anthropology that sought to redirect the discipline away from the quest for an underlying, universal human nature toward a concern with the particular histories of individual societies.
The Kulturkreis Zehntscheuer Amorbach e.V. ("Amorbach Tithe Barn Cultural Circle"), which outfitted the building in 1991 as a cabaret theatre, has taken upon itself, besides the programmes offered in this establishment, to maintain and renovate the building, which stands in the historical town centre.
In 1915-16 Wilhelm Schmidt, then the leader of the Vienna School of Ethnology, viewed totemism strictly according to the then-popular schemes of culture circles or kulturkreis (today long abandoned); because totemism was disseminated throughout the world, he thought of it as a single cultural complex in spite of local differences.