Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The all customers' score is an average of those three customer groups.
For one product the market can be divided in different customer groups.
But we will see more changes in product performance to focus on the needs of specific customer groups.
Real estate companies will set their sights on new customer groups.
Example: the targeting customer group is younger than 16 years.
There is a considerable difference in gas prices for these three customer groups.
The target customer group for the bank was retail businesses and young businessman.
Importing rare products may be important for targeting a particular customer group.
In addition, through online outsourcing new markets and customer groups can be reached.
For example, older customer groups may buy different types of products to younger groups.
These validations generally require time, a major effort by the customer group, and a high level of funding.
The targeted high income customer group is also frequently referred to as "premium".
After a market research, it appears that the targeting customer group wants to spend about 15 to 30 Euros for a game.
It brings in diverse customer groups trying to connect to the lyrics of the song.
Care would have to be taken that the two customer groups share the same characterisitics.
Business travelers now make up the budget hotels' largest customer group, providing 42 percent of revenues.
It is also possible to create different price levels for different customer groups and geographical locations.
Traditionally, the main customer group for Air Norway has been military personnel.
An approach for reaching this customer group is to make publicity on products that they like, as candy and soda.
It may be difficult to obtain data on different price elasticities for different customer groups.
Before executing its marketing activities, a firm will benefit from identifying which customer groups to target.
There are separate entrances for each different customer group which are clearly designated.
A TC has a left and right customer group.
There are a number of forms of advertising which you can use to create brand awareness within your customer groups.
Consider working in partnership with other businesses that offer complementary services to yours and which are aimed at similar customer groups.