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Congress actually began cutting funds for the military five years ago.
But Congress may cut funds to about a quarter of 2001 levels in the budget process.
In 1985, he supported a budget bill that cut funds for job training.
Or the fact that he cut funds for stopping drugs at our border.
He wants to sit with the Republicans, but they are the ones cutting funds for education and health care."
Congress refused to go along with the repeal, but the Republican majority did cut funds for housing.
Yet, Republicans talk about cutting funds for our police, teachers, firefighters and civic workers.
Our only worry is that this re-organisation might be used as an opportunity to cut funds to the police.
President Reagan has regularly cut funds for social services.
They could then do the same to their localities: cut funds but give them more leeway.
Has the Commission thought, at the very least, to draw up an impact assessment to judge the social and economic consequences of cutting funds?
At times when the economy is in a downward spiral, the authorities are tempted to cut funds for research.
During his term, he cut funds to the commission substantially, leaving it more reliant on federal money.
After all, the administration is cutting funds for many domestic programs, citing the war on terror as a justification.
Stevens began to cut funds for the army which he saw as a threat to him attaining absolute power.
But last year, without explanation, the region cut funds for homeless projects from $3.5 million to $3.3 million.
Yet President Bush has, incredibly, at various times even proposed cutting funds for it.
In the midst of the dispute, public stations successfully beat back two attempts by Congress to cut funds.
Rather than support the development of solar power, President Bush has proposed cutting funds for research on alternative energy.
The administration has also cut funds and increased the state and local share of shoreline-protection projects.
Residents say they feel abandoned by the Government, which has cut funds to settlements and curbed their expansion.
Welfare reformers deny this reality when they mandate work, which will be low wage, and cut funds for child care.
Adults' decision to cut funds for physical education in schools has contributed to the decline in health and fitness.
And as the state continues to cut funds, college officials say they are being forced to seek unwelcome increases in tuition.
How odd it is to set the objective of eradicating poverty and, at the same time, cut funds for development aid.