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At the moment, the cutesiness seems to be getting the upper hand.
For me, this political story was completely buried under cutesiness.
Any form of cutesiness is generally a losing proposition.
"I think her cutesiness will come in handy.
As family entertainment, the 1939 classic is remarkably lacking in the cutesiness that marks many of Disney's films for children.
Anthropomorphizing mice is nothing new, and the doll house cutesiness quotient here is high.
Still, if ever a genre entitled its practitioners to dabble at will in toothsome cutesiness, it's Christmas music.
"The artists bring in the cutesiness and then the rents go up and the artists can no longer afford to live there."
But Steve Campo's direction and two lovely performances rescue the story from cutesiness.
Cutesiness is not appealing."
There's much in "Journey," including the mysterious appearance of an adorable and very pregnant cat, that threatens to spill over into cutesiness.
Instead, they make it off-limits to the only age group likely to find any charm in its smug Britcom cutesiness."
Tina, a cuddly little monster whose every move has the calculated cutesiness of a Shirley Temple routine, is only too eager for fame.
To a European eye, the Rockies are easily as awe-inspiring as the Alps, and without that cuckoo-clock cutesiness.
The immensity of the Met's stage makes some of the singing sound remote, but it tends to counteract touches of cutesiness.
Meant to make fun of both animated films and, maybe, the ancient idea of the nuclear family, the work has a cutesiness you could cut with a knife.
Any "theme-park cutesiness is offset by the mischievous humor in David Lindsay-Abaire's book and lyrics.
However, Martin comments how one of the series' flaws is how it "overplays the mundane cutesiness and moe cards at times" causing little to happen with the plot.
Here is a case where collaboration would have added something significant to a character, or at least helped Mr. Lucas keep his worst instincts, for cutesiness and fussiness, in check.
The work of a portraitist obsessively committed to children's innocent expressions dominated the tea room, which was crowded with more cutesiness in the form of porcelain birds and silver antelopes.
If you can take the cutesiness and ignore the touristy bustle, Cape May can still evoke a past when houses had real rooms, and people had time to live in them.
A second explanation, only slightly more charitable, is that while he had the boldness to address big themes in his earlier works, he has fallen into cutesiness and fluff, tossing off inconsequentialities.
The effect in "Practical Magic" is that of a tacky curio shop that sells little statues of angels alongside ashtrays and scenic postcards: cloying cutesiness and willful contrivance.
The androgynous cutesiness of Nara's backstreet kids, with their swollen heads, button noses and constantly startled gaze, is saved from saccharin sentimentality by a balancing tendency towards almost punkish provocation.
But cutesiness accumulates: was it really necessary that she encounter the Space Girls (including Bendy Space and Squarey Space) who sing, dance and vaguely recall a one-dimensional pop group?