"A number of years ago, people would have confined themselves to giving sterling silver only," he said.
Some products are made using sterling silver as the base, although this more expensive version is not common today.
He had to get back to Sterling Silver quickly and find his friends.
You were the ones who came to Sterling Silver to ask my help in the first place.
I changed form and went to Sterling Silver to make certain.
Made of bronze, brass and sterling silver, they range in price from $240 to $450.
But would the gold accent be enough to take the curse off the sterling silver?
It comes in sterling silver, and gold-plated ones for $100 will be available soon.
Sterling Silver was so much the worse by comparison that he hated to think about it.
Why not send us back to Sterling Silver or some such?
The gates themselves are impressive doors made of pure silver.
A moment later, it shifted again, this time becoming a ramp of pure silver.
The buckle is pure silver, a simple triangle, yet hard.
"We use 2,500 pounds of pure silver a week to make 11,000 different wires here."
The whole of the valley was strangely peaceful, the moonlight pure silver.
In 2011 the average price paid per ounce of pure silver was $3.99 up from $3.98 in both 2009 and 2010.
In the first example there is a white outer skin of pure silver, with overlapping joins at each end.
They haven't been minting pure silver for a long time.
Fortunately, the letter opener turned out not to be made of pure silver.
It was almost pure silver the last time we met.