It looked to be made of pure and solid gold.
Some tiles look as if they are made of pure gold.
It turned out to be a lump of pure gold.
Marina, all three of this week's stories are pure gold.
What little clothing she wore seemed to be made out of pure gold.
Read somewhere there's only 500 tons of pure gold in the entire world.
Everyone knows pure gold is very rarely used in jewelry.
You have been tried in the crucible and come out pure gold.
Pure gold, however, is much too soft for making jewelry.
It filled the palm of her hand with the weight of fine gold.
For they have that which is more precious than much fine gold.
Over sixty men were working the field by December and obtaining fine gold.
There was much fine gold in his cigarette and under his lip!
I broke the specimen in two, and found it full of fine gold inside.
Her forehead was shaded by hair that became fine gold as the sun rose.
I would not accept for each day's pay a measure of fine pure gold.
Included in that total is 150 tons of fine gold.
The fine gold was generally bright, but the nuggets were iron stained.
A good guide is worth much fine gold and, once found, should be treasured.